Trekking trip in the Rif Mountains with Adrar Travel

Different trek then any treks in Morocco

in 6 days from Tangier, the trekking trip start, a welcoming in the port of Tangier and drive towards the famous hercules cave which remain one of the famous sight to discover in Tangier before we continue towards the blue city of Chefchaoun.

it takes only 2H30 from Tangier  to reach the blue city of Chefchaoun, via the Rif mountains; arriving Chefchaoun and having lunch maybe with a Tagine if you never test this delicious famous meal of Morocco could be the ideal option. For the photographers  Chefchaoun is always the best spot to exercise their hobby, as an amateur all what i love to do in this town is holding and stealing some moments while i'm in a blue narrow streets, i found it  always exciting.

our first day start from Chefchaoun to Zaouia, following some stairs beside the famous source of Ras Alma, you join the path up,  don't forget always turn your sight back to the town, as there will be amazing view towards the whole town of Chefchaoun. 
it's very  normal to observe the hashish plant or the "holy plant "as my friend Fttah calls it, it stays the main produce of the agriculture  in all the countryside of Chefchaun. absolutely the best option is to start early but not very early! :) this period of time in 20 of May it start being hot in Most of Morocco and for some tourist it's very hot and that's what we always keep in mind although they rarely observe our worries.

cannabis (hashish) in Rif mountains
following the path to Azzaouia i start releasing that the park of Talassametane is the heaven of flowers, it's just waaaaw!!! if you open you eyes and concentrate in beside your path there are allot of flowers different in shape, side and colours.

Note: Talassemtane national park situated in the Rif mountain, created in 08 october 2004  with 589.5-square-kilometre . more in info 

A picnic in a shadow of a big rock  with a nice view after 3 hours walk is always very delicious and makes your soul dream :)

.'s always nice to have shower and get rest after a  day trek, in this guest house, we meet fatima the owner, very good english speaking and very good cook also. i always love this broad beans and Harira ( Moroccan soup) she prepares.

as a guides we always think about tomorrow, and the reason why we have to have breakfast a bit early and start early, Moustapha the muleteer always the first to wake up, and always good to share a conversation with in the morning. it took us 3 hours to reach the pass with a breaks and even a cop of tea in a local house. as always i tease the people about their beautiful dialect in here! "qolt like hayeda ontina taamle hayeda"  ( i told you this and you as saying this)!  a sentence always good to tease with in Here!

Me and uncle Abed Alkader
we arrive around 5PM our guest house in Azilane, a very small village in the middle of the National park of Talasmtante, authentic, and great view but what makes it so special is uncle Abed Alkader as we use to call him, very funny and very friendly person, he wish he can give you everything he has and as My friend Fttah use to call him " behind the Mountain thinker" as we always has things to say about every subject :). he always makes our night so special with his too much talking!!

Almost everyday we take around 14 km but the 3rd day was a bit more longer but easier since most of the way is down, and always an amazing view with all the locals work in the fields of cannabis, allot of flowers, great vegetation and of course mountains.
in our way to Akchour again allot of interesting flowers, and views. only one disappointment about the national park, is how people take off a vast of trees to settle fields of hashish !  i think most of our group release how horrible it is to see this unpleasant view.

 before reaching the guest house we went to see the "God's bridge" and amazing path lead you to there beside clip in your side... Amazing!!

Arriving to the small guest house in Akchor, we found the door closed although i have been reserved the guest house a month ago, but do you really think it's a problem?...maybe a bit but after only 5 minutes the owner came and open the guest house, it's small with only 3 rooms and situated in the hill among the trees of oaks and juniper... just an amazing place for the people who are satisfied with what there is not what they use to have.

next day which is the last day of our trek, we thought to make it short for all of us, so we went to visit the waterfalls of Akchor, as one of the highlight of Chefchaoun area, not only for tourist outside, but also for Moroccans, and my advise is to avoid being there in saturday and sunday in summer as most of Moroccans visit it, you still can enjoy it,but  in the same time and u feel how beautiful the calm is in the nature.

in the end we invite any persons who is interested in the adventure in the north of Morocco, it's a great experience, amazing trip, it's  just very different then any trekking trips in  high or Anti Atlas trekking.

Hassan Oumaarir


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