Experience the homestay with Amazigh ( berbers) people in the Mountains of Morocco

Nomad homestay in Morocco

as a tour company based in Morocco we try all the time to creat new tours, to make people interest but also to give them a great experience but unique ....are you asking how?

most our team has roots of being nomad somehow.
we are  part of locals not just a company inside a building, so we travel with our costumers and lead them to this nomad him stay we have in Saghru Mountain in the south of Morocco

after a some efforts to reach the nomad family a cop of tea would be excellent!

It's amazing how dogs and a goat are involving during eating time :)

from Marrakech city usually we began the trip, transfer lead us to the south of Morocco, crossing the Atlas mountain with its amazing views and landscapes, then Ouarzazate city and the valley of Draa, as always stoping for pictures  and stretching your legs and just being outside the car could be very required.... we arrive around the early evening a small village names Handour where we spend the night in a small guest house and why not a small walk in the valley of Handour!

always in the hospitality of the nomads of Ait Atta has something special, you just feel like you are home but with different friends. reaching the nomad camp needs a day trek with a guide who is usually from the aria, so he can always be aware of his land and  local culture. 

Azzul-at ait Okham!  say hello to the family who are a small number and relax after a hard day, having cop of tea, looking around and thinking how does it comes? why? which.... and so many other question that your guide can be very helpful. during the stay with nomads there are so many to do, and get in touch more with the family who will teach you how to deal with the goats, with the cooking and so on....

in a certain occasions the  Amazigh ( Berber) nomads have special things they do.... ah yes! they don't all the time make a carpet but during a year they do work weaving a beautiful exceptional carpets, u will never can find it in the Market of marrakech or else where, because it's anomaly made for the needs of the family or maybe a gift for a wedding among the family,  so helping and maybe singing in the same time could be an amazing moments with one of the ladies

after few hours of walking we had to stop for a picture near this source of water.
in the left is my cousin Moha, the fother of the family we visit, from Handour he  trekked with us with his lovely mule that carried the luggage, as a person he is always work without stoping, i sometimes wonder what can i do without him in this tour to the nomads!


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