What is special about Chefchaouen blue city in Morocco?


What is special about Chefchaouen blue city in Morocco?

Chefchaouen or the blue city in Morocco, known locally as Chaouen situated in the North Part of the country, is one of the most visited cities in the Rif Mountains both by foreigners and locals in the neighboring cities such as Tangier, Titouan, and Fes . The tranquility and chilling environment of the town makes it a unique traveling destination and a photography paradise.

So what's so special in Chefchaouen and why do people love to visit this city? These questions with other questions we will try to answer in this article.

morocco luxury tourMorocco luxury tour form Casablanca

Why is the blue city in Morocco blue?

Locals have different responses about why Chefchaouen is blue, some would say it's invented to stop the mosquitos away from their homes, to symbolize heaven and sky, and others say it's to attract the tourists.

The blue hue of Chefchaouen was distinctive in 1495 when the Jews escaped the Spanish equalization. However, this is one of the famous stories behind the blue color of the city. Whatever the reasons, the blue color of Chefchaouen made this little town unique and a famous destination in Morocco.

Is the blue city in Morocco worth visiting?

Definitely big Yes, Chefchaouen is brimming with the beauty that can make your vacation in Morocco a photogenic pleasure. It is a town you shouldn't skip once you are in the north of Morocco or have enough time in the country. Once you explore the hectic of Marrakech, the Sand dunes of Merzouga, and the Medina of Fes. In Chefchaouen you will experience the charm and the calm of Morocco.

Summer vacations in Morocco often choose Chefchaouen as the best destination therefore it's very touristic and full of people during June, July and August. The journey to Chefchaouen still can be amazing and worth taking all the year-round.

Why should you visit Chefchaouen?

Moroccan cuisine Trekking Talassemtane National Park

There are so many things Special in Chefchaouen, from its vibrant colors and all blue colored houses to its Kasbah and the Rif mountains around. Visiting Chefchaouen can give you another vision of Morocco due to its special landscape, Medina, People, weather, and cuisine.

Food in Chefchaouen is amazing, not only because you can find any popular dish in Morocco, but also special meals that hardly can be found elsewhere. Baisar and goat cheese remarkably is the specialty of Chefchaouen cuisine that you should try once you are there.

The region of Chefchaouen is also one of the most producers of Cannabis in Morocco. The national park of Tallassemtane is widely famous for this agriculture that remains one of the historical incomes for a lot of families. This shouldn't mean that it is the only reason that attracts the visitors. You still can enjoy a lot of aspects of the city.

Cats are everywhere! If you love cats you will be certainly surprised at how many cats are laying in the alleys and by the house's doors. This adds a lovely look to the little town.

Chefchaouen from Marrakech?Chefchaouen day trip

Driving from Marrakech to Chefchaouen would take at least 9-10 hours. The best way to head to Chefchaouen is by train to Souk Larbaa where you can find a taxi that can take you through the Rif Mountains to the blue city. 

Another option is taking a private Morocco tour which will allow you to explore the best of the Sahara dunes, Fes, and Chefchaouen at once if that's something you are interested to do.

Here is an estimation of the time you need from different cities in Morocco:

  • Casablanca to Chefchaouen: 5 Hours

  • Fes to Chefchaouen: 4 hours

  • From Tangier: 2h30 hours

  • From Titouan: 1H30 hours

The road can be long to reach Chefchaouen, especially from cities like Marrakech and Agadir, but to visit it will not take you only 3 hours to explore most of the important parts.

Akchour waterfalls can also be a great place to visit around the blue city.

Things to do in Chefchaouen?

Chefchaouen is notable not only for its mountain surroundings, but the main reason is Everything is Blue!. There are some best restaurants with a nice view where you can get special dishes such as Bab Sour restaurant.

Riads and hotels provide the best services during your stay in Chefchaouen, you can spend a night from 25£-100£ with breakfast.


These are the best spots in Chefchaouen that you definitely should visit:

  • The Kasbah: The oldest construction of the city, back to 1472. The Kasbah offers a visit with small fees
  • Outta El Hamam Square: Active and daily busy square in the middle of the Medina of Chefchaouen.
  • The Spanish Mosque: The famous spot to enjoy the sunset in Chefchaouen with an amazing views

Is Chefchaouen Safe?

Chefchaouen is absolutely nothing like big cities, but a small town of 42,000 inhabitants. Considered one of the safest cities in Morocco and an off-beaten path for tourists. You will feel no hustling and bustling while walking around that you may experience in big cities in Morocco.

Our Morocco tours to Chefchaouen:

trekkine in Talassemtane national park




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