
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2023

Best gardens to visit in Marrakech

  Best gardens to visit in Marrakech Marrakech is one of the most famous cities to visit in Morocco, Not only for its Medina, colors, markets, Historic sights, cultural experience, and Sahara desert excursions  but also for its massive Gardens to visit . If one of the important goals in Traveling is Natural sights in a city, Our list Of the famous garden in Marrakech can save you from the hectic Medina and markets in this very tourist city. By Visiting these gardens, You can discover some of the unique plants, sculptures, trees, colors, and art...  or just chill and get fresh air under the elegant Cactus and olive trees under the blue sky of Marrakech red city . Jardin Majorelle: One of the best Gardens in Marrakech, it was founded by the french artist Jack Majorelle for over 40 years, starting in 1929. This Garden is Situated outside the Medina of Marrakech and is on the top list of sightseeing guided tours in Morocco with over 100 visitors every day. You found some amazing features